l2jserver.com – get started – basic



File Description Version Date
Core Ertheia Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Ertheia 11-29-2014
Datapack Ertheia Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Ertheia 11-29-2014

High Five

File Description Version Date
Core Master Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. High Five v1.4 10-11-2015
Datapack Master Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. High Five v1.4 10-11-2015
High Five Geodata Complete premium Geodata by HorridoJoho, NosBit and maneco2. High Five v2.1 09-27-2015


File Description Version Date
Core Interlude Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Interlude 11-29-2014
Datapack Interlude Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Interlude 11-29-2014

Getting started basic guide

Follow this steps to get the server running.

  • Get the Apps!

    Get Java JRE, MySQL Server and HeidiSQL (Optional)!

    Let’s assume you can download and install these apps all by yourself.

    Installation Guides

    Follow the official guide to install JRE.

    Follow the official guide to install MySQL Server.

    Check the HeidiSQL help for more information on how to use it.

  • Downloads

    Get the server Core, DataPack and Geodata (optional) for the version you want.

    High Five

    File Description Version Date
    Core Master Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features. High Five v1.4 10-11-2015
    Datapack Master Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features. High Five v1.4 10-11-2015
    High Five Geodata Complete premium Geodata by HorridoJoho, NosBit and maneco2. High Five v2.1 09-27-2015


    File Description Version Date
    Core Ertheia Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Ertheia 11-29-2014
    Datapack Ertheia Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Ertheia 11-29-2014
    Ertheia Geodata Complete premium Geodata by HorridoJoho and NosBit. Ertheia 8-28-2013


    File Description Version Date
    Core Interlude Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Interlude 11-29-2014
    Datapack Interlude Build Contains zero-day fixes and unfinished features, recommended for advanced users only. Interlude 11-29-2014
    Interlude Geodata Complete premium Geodata. Interlude 8-28-2013
  • Deploy the Server

    Get both Server and DataPack ZIPs into the same folder and unzip them.

    The directory where you deploy the server is not important.



    You can deploy the DataPack on another directory and change DataPackRoot in config options.

  • Configure the Server

    Configure both servers

    You need to configure both login and game server.

    Don’t forget Database Passwords

    Server will run on default configuration, you may need to set database password.

    GUI Configuration
  • Install the Database

    You are required to install Login, Game and Community databases.

    To install the database you must go to tools folder and there you have three options:


    Cross-platform GUI installer, one per database.

    Database 1 .jar

    Upgrade to keep your data!

    Full install will reset your database. Be careful!

    Database 2 .jar

    We recommend this

    Since it’s modern and pretty straight forward, without so much typing!


    Windows only batch installer, install all three databases.

    Database .bat

    Backup attempt failed!

    Don’t worry! If you don’t have a database, there is nothing to back up.

    Upgrade to keep your data!

    Full install will reset your database. Be careful!

    Installer will attempt to create the databases

    The installer will attempt to create the databases, if you are using older server versions you may need to create the databases manually.

    HeidiSQL may help on this!


    Unix only shell installer, install all three databases.



    Fill user, password and database name for each database.



    If it’s not your first install, it’s recommended to make a backup.


    Type: Login Server

    Full Install, clean database, wipes your data!

    Upgrade attempts to apply required changes to the existing database, keeps your data!


    Type: Community Server

    Full Install, clean database, wipes your data!

    Upgrade attempts to apply required changes to the existing database, keeps your data!


    Type: Game Server

    Full Install, clean database, wipes your data!

    Upgrade attempts to apply required changes to the existing database, keeps your data!



    In order to use L2J customs you must install this tables.



    In order to use L2J mods you must install this tables.


    Good bye

    Here finish the installer.

    Community database

    Community Server and it’s database are deprecated in High Five and later server versions.

  • Register the Game Server

    You need to register game server server, this will prevent other game servers to register and appear on your server list.

    Sad Panda
  • Run the Server

    Once you have the server configured you need run both Login and Game servers.

    Sad Panda
  • Connect to the Server

    In order to connect to the server you have this options:

    HOSTS file

    Edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and add this line:

    # IP DNS l2authd.lineage2.com

    BAT file

    Create a .bat file with the following content:

    @start l2.bin IP=

    Custom exe

    Here is a C++ Win32 exe example:

    #define _WIN32_WINNT _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP
    #define NOMINMAX
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <cstdlib>
    // Start L2 as .bin with IP as parameter.
    // You can use IP or DNS as IP parameter.
    // You could include other parameters.
    // You can change the path to the .bin file to avoid including the L2.exe inside the System folder.
    // Author: Zoey76
    int _stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE prevInst, LPWSTR szCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    	ShellExecute(0, L"open", L"cmd.exe", L"/C start l2.bin IP=", 0, SW_HIDE);

    More information here.

    Client modifications are not allowed!

    Client modification are not allowed in L2J, this include GameGuard fixes and L2.ini changes.

    *All information thanks to L2JServer

Lineage 2 Clients and Systems in release order